How to Behave Inside a Museum
Art Exhibitions
Visiting museums is always a cultural activity that many enjoy. Walking while admiring paintings, works by great artists is always a pleasure. But do you know how to behave at an exhibition? Here are some tips.
Do you have to run from one painting to another to be able to say that you have visited the whole museum? Or do you have to do everything much more calmly and savor every moment? Do you have to study the artist first? Or let the sensations speak? Probably, before going to an exhibition, you too have asked yourself these questions: in short, how should you behave?
Respect Your Time
Let’s face it, visiting a museum is a demanding activity and you often come out exhausted. If, for example, you go to see a Picasso exhibition, do not get anxious to get out of there only if you have seen all the paintings on display. Respect your time: do you only have one hour? All right, use that hour in the best possible way. Enjoy the paintings that you like and convey sensations to you. Don’t worry about running from one part of the museum to the other. This is not a race, but an experience that you need.
Look for Your Space
It’s certainly not just you inside the museum. Often, especially if the artist in question is very famous (let’s go back to Picasso’s example), there will be thousands of people besides you. To avoid finding yourself all crowded in front of the same painting, without even understanding what you are looking at, it is better if you carve out your space. To look good at a work of art you have to be in the right space. Don’t necessarily follow the order dictated by the museum, follow your instincts. And study the map carefully: in some museums, such as the Guggenheim, there are spaces less known to the public that show videos or itineraries related to the exhibition.

Be Yourself
Some decide to go to an exhibition only after studying everything about the artist. Others, on the other hand, prefer to write everything down in a notebook to remember what they saw. And then there are those who look at the shapes, those who look at the colors, except cc. Well, what kind of visitors are you? Don’t follow the crowd, don’t imitate what others are doing, but try to understand how you like to visit an exhibition and express yourself. Do you like to be silent and stare at a painting for half an hour? Very well! Do you prefer to compare yourself with someone? Treasure it and use social media, for example.
Remember What You Want
Once you leave the exhibition, you don’t have to feel obliged to remember how many paintings were on display, how many artistic periods the artist lived, on what date he painted the first painting, etc. etc. Or rather, if it’s natural for you to remember all this, then that’s okay. Otherwise you can leave the museum remembering only the feeling that that particular painting gave you, or even the people who were present at the exhibition. In short, every memory is a treasure.
Now, Forget All the Previous Points
Do you really need rules to visit an art exhibition? Probably not. Therefore, professionals suggests that you quickly forget all these rules and approach art and exhibitions. Forget everything, except point three: be yourself. If after 10 minutes you are bored and want to go for coffee at the bar, do it! If while watching the exhibition you also want to Tweet your experience, do it! If you are very passionate about an exhibition, explore the life and works of that artist more in depth. In short, art must be lived.

Maurice is an experienced art critic and content creator specializing in visual arts and creative expression. Her work centers on uncovering the stories behind artworks, examining cultural influences, and highlighting innovative movements in the art world.